5th Annual Uncommon Normal Gratitude Challenge_Thank Somebody Challenge 2023

It’s A Gratitude Challenge That Will Give Connection and Perspective

Summer rarely leaves in a hurry here in Kentucky. Instead, the temperatures dip and rise as two seasons mingle steps in an intricate dance. Itโ€™s the best of both: warm sun, crisp leaves, sipped chai in an oversized mug. Fireside from Tuscanyโ€™s farmhouse collection flickering in a Mason jar. Sunrises on the way to school.

I find the pace welcome. Needed. An exhale of all thatโ€™s good yet loud and rushed from the summer.

Something about the beginning of fall feels like a wide-open invitation to revel in what is and stop worrying about what isnโ€™t. Maybe itโ€™s our extra-alert senses, stirred by pumpkin spice and spiced cider. I find I read slower and journal longer. Look into more eyes. Let go of more expectations.

When I slow down, I pay better attention. To the gift of whatโ€”and whoโ€”is right in front of me. Gifts tucked into holding patterns, between lines, and after question marks. Disguised as persistent prayers, closed doors, and everyday things. Gifts Iโ€™ve numbered in a multi-journal list.

When I slow down, I pay better attention.

I need fall to remember why I keep a gratitude list. Why pausing to say thanks is actually the quickest way to where I want to go: heart wide open, hands palms up, knees bent in surrender. Gratitude will keep your heart tender and praise pointed in the right direction.

Fifth Annual Uncommon Normal Gratitude Challenge

Every year I look forward to November because I get to unpackโ€”and practiceโ€”gratitude with you. Although I list my thanks all year, steeping in it for a full month is special, like a reset. I pray for both of us.

The fifth annual gratitude challenge begins November 1. Iโ€™m introducing it early so youโ€™ll have more time to invite some friends to join you. And also because I really couldnโ€™t wait any longer to let you know this yearโ€™s theme.

The gratitude challenges for the past several years have been focused on you cultivating a heart of thanks that ripples into your neighborhood. Here at The Uncommon Normal, weโ€™re all about getting close to Jesus and growing deep, missional friendships. We know that a rooted, thriving relationship with God leads us to meaningful connections with the people around us. Where these relationships intersect, we find community. Mission. Purpose.

What grows on the inside as we spend time with Jesus shows in our facial expressions, words, tone, actions, and reactions. Missional neighboring boils down to this: Because our lives have a ripple effect, we input what we want to overflow.

But for all the ripples we create, weโ€™ve also been blessed by ripples extending from others. Weโ€™re been prayed for, cared for, invested in. Noticed, encouraged, inspired, lovingly challenged. Many of these people are unsung heros. This year weโ€™re going to tell them thank you.

Instead of sharing our gratitude challenge responses in our journals or via social media, weโ€™re going to send them to specific people who have been Jesus to us or helped us look a little more like Him. Weโ€™ll call it the Thank Somebody Challenge.

To participate, grab the prompts below. Then, beginning November 1, write out a thank you to the person each prompt brings to mind. You can write a letter or card and mail it with a stamp, send an email or e-card, connect through text or a phone call, record a video or audio message, tuck a note into a lunchbox, write your message on a mirror, or tag and share on social media. Get creative. Get personal. Your words donโ€™t have to be perfect, just honest. Know that they matter.

This challenge is about naming the good in the people who matter to you. Growing your own gratitude through encouraging others. Expanding ripples started by other people in your life.

The Thank Somebody Challenge begins November 1st

Here are five things you can do now to get ready:

  1. Save the challenge prompts as your phone wallpaper.
  2. Text the prompts to a few friends and invite them to join you.
  3. Share the prompts on your Facebook or Instagram story.
  4. Mark your calendar for November 1st.
  5. Gather some supplies (if you plan to handwrite letters or cards).

My prayer for this challenge is that it would strengthen your faith and your relationships. Cultivate gratitude in you that overflows. Bless and encourage the people whoโ€™ve most impacted your life.

Gratitude Beyond November

One last thing! The point of a gratitude challenge is not to change your life for a month, but to set a habit that leads to lasting life change. Itโ€™s a launch pad, not the end goal. If youโ€™d like to keep gratitude going past Thanksgiving Day this year, I invite you to check out Begin Within: A Gratitude Series. My vision for the series is to inspire year-round gratitude by sharing stories of how others practice gratitude. Get the weekly story in your email inbox by signing up below.

Just a friend over here in your corner,

Thank Somebody Challenge: Join us for the 5th annual gratitude challenge!

P.S. Did you know that The Uncommon Normal is also available as a podcast? Tune in to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to listen!

neighborhood missional living podcast

I help imperfectly ready people take baby steps into neighborhood missional living.


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