What Kind of Neighbor Are You?

Think you have nothing valuable to offer your neighbors? After all, you’re pretty normal. Not so significant, you might tell yourself. Oh, friend, think again! You, yes YOU, are a gift to your neighborhood.

Want to discover why?!

>>> This short quiz will reveal what makes YOU uniquely invaluable to YOUR neighborhood. <<<

Take the “What Kind of Neighbor Are You?” Quiz!

What kind of neighbor are you? Take this short quiz to reveal!

Before you go, here are a few blog posts I’ve written on neighboring well the missional way that you might find helpful.

all things love God, love people mission

The ESV version uses the word “neighbor” instead in verse 39. Friend. Neighbor. I put them together: neighbor-friend. Maybe there is something more here, beckoning me to unpack it.

When I lose the distinction between my neighbors and my friends, my neighbors in essence become my neighbor-friends. It’s a both/and, not an either/or.

First I love God. Then I love people. Like my neighbor-friends.

10 tips for making your neighbors feel right at home.

There is a phrase I’ve written before and come back to often: the direction is more important than the pace. Please keep this in mind as we continue, because every teensy baby step you are making towards opening your heart, home, and life to your neighbors is worth celebrating. Don’t downplay the small wins, the small moments your courage is big enough to push you against your grain. Don’t discount the slow work of the Holy Spirit in rewiring you on the inside so you know who you are and that God is always, forever with you.

How Gratitude Can Make You a Better Neighbor

Gratitude opens the eyes to see more God—more, too, through God’s eyes. Perhaps the way of gratitude leads me to a heart that is also pure.

I need the weighty glory of God to hover; I need to be strengthened with His presence and power—because to live on mission I need more of Him and less of me. I need to bow low. To choose humility so I can let the joyful path, the full path, create ripples that reach out beyond me to my neighborhood.

Join me over on the ‘Gram for more daily encouragement on ripple-effect living in your neighborhood.